Friday, January 21, 2011


These are links to some reviews of the Kona AfricaBike. It'll be updated whenever I find new, or interesting ones.

Adam Greenfield's Speedbird



Manchester Cycling


Post Industrial Brambles

Road CC

Not a review, but you gotta read this!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


When I take my bike for quick errands I use the "integrated rear wheel lock" and a "chain lock" to secure my bike. If I had to leave it for long time, I'll throw in another U-lock in the mix.

I also have the old "bicycle chain in a inner tube" trick for the saddle. I would also cover the saddle with a plastic bag to hide and "ugly-fy" it a bit if I was gonna leave it locked for a long time.

A professional bike thief will still be able to take the bike or saddle.  The best I can hope for is to slow them down, or make them look for an easier target.

UPDATED APRIL 3, 2011:  I decided to remove some security features.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Retired For The Winter

I've cleaned and lubed the chain with Finish Line Dry Teflon Lube. Now it's hung up for winter storage. I admire the people who tough it out in the winter.

Since I won't be riding for awhile, I'm thinking about possible modifications. Maybe I'll turn it into a light weight road beast with drop bars. Or a touring bike. Maybe a mountain bike with suspension. Oh I know...a cyclocross bike. many options.