The "rear rack mod" (plywood seat) was removed before attaching the milk crate. I could have left it on, but it feels more secure zip tying it directly to the rack.

There was a gap between the locknut to the washer after removing the "basket support bracket" from the headset. Adding a spacer a little thicker than the bracket did the trick.
UPDATED NOVEMBER 5, 2011: There seems to be a lot of air resistants riding with the front basket, even when it's empty. With the rear mounted milk crate, I ride with less effort. I like the milk crate better. It holds more stuff, and can be easily installed/removed.
UPDATE DECEMBER 5, 2011: I have a better way to mount a milk crate.
UPDATED NOVEMBER 5, 2011: There seems to be a lot of air resistants riding with the front basket, even when it's empty. With the rear mounted milk crate, I ride with less effort. I like the milk crate better. It holds more stuff, and can be easily installed/removed.
UPDATE DECEMBER 5, 2011: I have a better way to mount a milk crate.
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