Thursday, November 24, 2011

Brake Upgrade

The original brake pads on my bike were adequate to slow me down.  I wanted more stopping power so I upgraded to a set of Kool Stop Thinline Salmon pads.

After installing the brake pads, one of the caliper arms was stuck to one side.  I gave up troubleshooting it and installed a spare set of Avid Single Digit 5.  The front fender was lowered so the calipers can clear it.

The difference in braking is like night and day.  It's way stronger and smoother than the factory set-up.  I should have upgraded the brakes when I got the bike.

UPDATE FEBRUARY 18, 2012:  These brakes have been squealing something fierce lately.  =/

UPDATE MARCH 11, 2012: The brakes suddenly stopped squealing.  I wonder if it has something to do with the warm weather (17° Celsius or 62.6° Fahrenheit)?  

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