Saturday, March 26, 2011

Flipped Handlebar

There's no particular reason for doing this.  I just wanted to change the look and feel a bit.

I could definitely tell I'm not sitting up as straight as before, but it's still comfortable.

I'm gonna keep it this way for awhile and see how I like it.

UPDATED APRIL 9, 2011: I really like this mod.  It feels way more efficient by grabbing the inner bend of the handlebar like drop bars.  Now I can really put my whole body into hammering the pedals to get the bike up to speed from a dead stop fast.  It's no road bike, but it's a lot better than before.  The best part is I still have the "sit up style" of riding by grabbing the ends of the handlebar.  Wrapping the handlebar with paracord finishes this mod nicely.

UPDATED OCTOBER 27, 2011: I changed my handlebars.

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