Saturday, April 9, 2011

Paracord Wrapped Handlebar

I wrapped the handlebar with paracord for a little more traction, and to take away the bite from touching cold/hot metal.  I'm sure handlebar tape will be more comfortable, but it's good enough for now.

I used a "constrictor knot" at the beginning, and end of the paracord wrapping. The ends were also sealed with a lighter to stop it from fraying.

When I'm riding on the "drop bar position", the shifter cable would be in the way. Repositioning the shifter so the cable runs along the side of the handlebar helped a lot. The bell got in the way too.  I'm gonna try mounting it on the side of my stem.

I may have to re-wrap them.  Next time I'll add something between the handlebar and the paracord to make them more comfortable.

UPDATE:  I tried adding thin cloth like sheets of foam to the handlebar.  It was more comfortable, but the wrapping didn't look very good.  So I removed the foam sheets and re-wrapped them with "olive drab" paracord instead.

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