Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Handlebar Mount Bottle Cage

There aren't many places to mount water bottles on this bike with easy access. The practical solution is a handlebar mount bottle cage.

The mounting bracket was too big for the handlebar.  So I wrapped the handlebar with several layers of electrical tape to increase the diameter.  Now it's on there securely.


  1. I also mounted my water bottle cage on the handelbar because the mount on the frame impeded my getting on and off the bike, and I have bruises to prove it. I used double sided mounting tape around the handlebar before mounting the cage. It keeps the cage from moving, plus adds thickness to the area for a more secure mount. Happy Biking!!

    1. Hi Barbara. The double sided tape idea sounds like a better idea than what I did. Thanks for the tip. =)

  2. Hi Bobby,
    Just found your blog - have been looking for like minded Kona owners.
    Question. I live in South Africa and am about to depart on a cycle trip from Cape Town, South Africa - through Africa to Europe and then on through the far east to Australia.

    I am trying to find out if you can wekd onto the Bike3 frame. I have managed to sort out my rear rack, but need to attach front rack. Have you any ideas or could you direct me, via email, to anybody who might be able to help.
    I will send you some photos if you let me have your email address.
    My website will be up at the end of this month - WWW.WOBBLINGTHROUGHAFRICA.COM
    Keep up a great site.
    Rob Lindegger

    Email address - rob.lindegger@gmail.com

    1. Hi Rob,

      Sounds like an awesome tour you're going on. I'm looking forward to checking out your site once it's up. I hope you update often and post lots of pictures...........unlike me. haha

      I'm sure you can weld on the frame, but doing it safely is a different story. haha Kona will probably tell you not to. I would try and contact a local frame builder for their advice. You can try to get a hold of this guy though his blog. http://davesbikeblog.squarespace.com/ He's an ex frame builder.

      Good luck, have fun, and be safe on your journey.

  3. Nice Bolg...THanks for sharing it..
    bike rack

    1. Thank you Diana. I haven't updated it in awhile though. =)
